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General Commands

/sethome <name> ━ Sets your home at your current position.

/delhome <name> ━ Removes the specified home.

/home <name> ━ Teleports you to the specified home.

/homes ━ Lists the names of all your homes.

/ignore <player> ━ Ignore the specified player, hiding their chat messages from you. Running the command again, un-ignores them.

/rtp ━ Randomly teleports you in the world you are currently in.

/map ━ Opens the teleport GUI. Lets you explore all of the available worlds.

/tpa <player> ━ Send someone a teleport request for you to teleport to their location.

/tpahere <player> ━ Sends someone a teleport request for them to teleport to your location.

/tpa cancel ━ Cancels your outgoing teleport request.

/tpyes━ Accepts any pending teleport requests.

/warps ━ Lists all the available server warps.

/warp <warp> ━ Teleports you to the specified server warp.

/realname <player> ━ View player's actual username if only their nickname is visible.

/settings - view and toggle various settings such as announcement broadcasts.

/msgtoggle ━ Toggles other players being able to send messages to you.

/tptoggle ━ Disables players from sending tpa and tpahere requests.

/mail send <player> <message> ━ Sends the player a message that they can read when they come back online. Works on both offline or online players.

/mail read ━ Reads all mail sent to you.

/help ━ Displays useful information.

/pets ━ Opens your pet inventory..

Economy Commands

/bal ━ Displays your current balance.

/bal <player> ━ Displays the balance of the specified user.

/baltop ━ Displays the richest players.

/pay <player> <amount> ━ Pays money to the specified user.

/ah ━ Opens up the auction house.

/ah sell <price> ━ Sells the held for the specified price.

/jobs ━ Opens up the jobs GUI, where you can view/join/leave jobs. You can unlock more job slots by voting and ranking up.

/jobs leave <job> ━ Leaves the specified job. You lose 10% of your levels when you leave a job.

/payconfirm ━ toggle an extra confirmation before paying a player. (Useful if you're prone to adding an extra 0!)

Claiming Land

Claims give you that added peace of mind to protect your builds. Claims cover all y-levels. You gain approximately 100 claim blocks per hour of online time, through crates that give claim tokens , or they could be purchased on the WinterCrest store.

📜 Claiming Per Chunk Costs:

  • Newbies = 128 Tokens
  • Traveler = 103 Tokens
  • Faithful = 90 Tokens
  • Lord & Expert = 77 Tokens
  • Highborn = 55 Tokens
  • Dedicated, Emperor & Helpers = 31 Tokens
  • Immortal & Staff = Free

As per the server rules, do claim within 100 blocks or the range of another player without prior consent. Players are expected not to excessively claim areas/claim areas and fail to build on them.

Claim Tokens are virtual. To view your available tokens, type /claimbank

⛏️ Getting Started

Claiming land is simple: click the ground in two opposite corners. Claims must have an area of at least 5 x 5 blocks.

⚒️ Subclaims

A subdivision is a designated part within a claim. You could subdivide a claim, for example, to create plots for players in a community town. Subclaims have their own permissions, if a player is trusted within a Subclaim, they *do not* have that level of trust in the rest of the claim. However, if a player has trust in the* whole claim*, they have that same level of trust within *all *Subclaims.

To create a Subclaim, type** /subclaim** and right-click two opposing corners, following the same procedure as regular claiming. When it's time to abandon a subdivision, stand within it and type **/removesubclaim.**

Claim Expiration

Combatting claim spam has always been the biggest priority for me. Nobody wants to find an excellent spot of land only to realize Steve, who played for 5 minutes, 9 months ago claimed it already.

Therefore, claims belonging to players who haven't logged in for 6 months will automatically expire. Players with the Dedicated, Helper, and Donor ranks are exempt from this expiration.

What Happens to Your Claims:

  • You will receive a refund of your claim tokens.
  • A notification message will be sent to explain the expiration, including the coordinates of the affected claims so you may teleport and re-claim upon login.
  • Your builds will remain intact, and block logs still remain which will insure your hard work is preserved.

We want to emphasize that this policy is primarily aimed at preventing "newbie spam" and ensuring that active players have access to available land. We're here to assist you, and if you anticipate being away from the server for longer than 6 months and do not have the required rank for exemption, please reach out to us in the #?┃ask-a-staff discord channel. We'll be more than happy to provide you with the necessary exemption.

Claiming Command List

  • /claims- view your claims.
  • /claimtokens check- see your claim tokens.
  • /claimtokens transfer <player> - Give claim tokens to someone else.
  • /unclaim - delete the claim you're stood in (tokens will be refunded)
  • /claimtrust <username> - opens a GUI that allows you to fine-tune a player's specific permissions, including full-admin access.
  • /subclaim - create a claim within a claim.
  • /removesubclaim - delete a subclaim.
  • /claimeject <player> or /eject <player> - Eject a player from the claim you're currently in. This will send them to spawn.
  • /claimsshow - Reveals all surrounding claims within 6 chunks of your location while executing the command.
  • /claimsshow subclaims - Displays all subclaims within the claim you're currently within.
  • /claiminfo - Provides information about the claim you're currently standing in.
  • /hideclaims - Stops displaying claims if they are currently visible.
  • /claimtransfer <player>- Transfers your claim to the ownership of someone else.
  • /claimban <player> - Bans a player from being able to enter your claim.
  • /claimunban <player> - Unbans a player from your claim.

? Auction House


  • /ah - Opens the Auction House
  • ah sell <price> - Sells the item in your hand.

⚠️ Items are removed and sent to the collection slot after 7 days. (Located on the bottom left)

? Items purchased will also be obtained from the "collection" slot.


  • Newbies & Fledgling = 1 Slot
  • Traveler = 2 Slots
  • Settler = 3 Slots
  • Faithful = 5 Slots
  • Lord & Expert = 6 Slots
  • Highborn = 8 Slots
  • Dedicated & Emperor = 10 Slots
  • Immortal & Helper = 12 Slots

Chat & Placeholders


Easily display your items in chat by using the following placeholders. Players can hoover/click the placeholder in chat to see your item's details!

  • [I] or [Item] : Share your handheld item
  • [inv] : Share full inventory
  • [head] : Share helmet
  • [chest] : Share chestplate
  • [legs] : Share leggings
  • [feet] : Share boots

Coloured Chat & Nicknames

If you have a Donor Rank or Perk Pot, you can use colours in your Nicknames, signs or Chat!

To add colors in your messages (chat, nickname, etc.), you must use color codes that start with the symbol & followed by a letter or number:

  • &0 - Black
  • &1 - Dark Blue
  • &2 - Dark Green
  • &3 - Dark Aqua
  • &4 - Dark Red
  • &5 - Dark Purple
  • &6 - Gold
  • &7 - Gray
  • &8 - Dark Gray
  • &9 - Blue
  • &A - Green
  • &B - Aqua
  • &C - Red
  • &D - Light Purple
  • &E - Yellow
  • &F - White

For example, if you want a half green, half white prefix: /nick &2Ca&fssi

/kit color: Gives you a book in game with all the color codes

If you're a Highborn, Emperor or Immortal, you will be able to use Hex Codes in your chat/nickname. For example, &#084CFBCassi

Chest Shops


  • /shop create <price>━ Creates a chest shop of the item you are holding for the specified price. . (Must be looking at a chest/barrel)
  • /shop <buy/sell> ━ Sets the chest shop to buying or selling mode.
  • /shop remove ━ Removes the shop you are looking at.
  • /shop staff <add/del/list/clear> <user> ━ Adds/removes the specified user to the shops staff list, or clears the staff list. This user can open the chest and interact with the items. Users have to be added individually for every chest shop.
  • /shop item ━ Changes shop you are looking at to the item you are currently holding.
  • /shop price <amount> ━ Edits the price of the shop you are looking at.

Chest Shops


  • /shop create <price>━ Creates a chest shop of the item you are holding for the specified price. . (Must be looking at a chest/barrel)
  • /shop <buy/sell> ━ Sets the chest shop to buying or selling mode.
  • /shop remove ━ Removes the shop you are looking at.
  • /shop staff <add/del/list/clear> <user> ━ Adds/removes the specified user to the shops staff list, or clears the staff list. This user can open the chest and interact with the items. Users have to be added individually for every chest shop.
  • /shop item ━ Changes shop you are looking at to the item you are currently holding.
  • /shop price <amount> ━ Edits the price of the shop you are looking at.

Staff/Helper/Team Applications

Expert Test

The Expert Test isn’t a parkour, minecraft, or PvP test! Rather, it’s a test on knowledge of the server! Once you pass, you'll be ranked to "Expert"

You need to have 150 votes to take the test, with no punishments within the last 30 days. The test can be taken every 12 hours.

Teleporting with mobs

You can actually put an animal into a boat, get into said boat, then teleport to your home. The boat and animal should follow! You can also ride horses and teleport home to get them to follow you as well.

Creative World

The Creative World can be accessed by any player with the Faithful/Count rank or higher. We do this to protect your builds from malicious players. You will be able to access this world when you reach 100 votes!

Voting & Ranking up

Vote for WinterCrest to earn Vote Points & support the server. Voting is also the main way to rank up.

Every time the server hits 100 votes, a Pinata spawns at /warp pinata - hit this pinata for crate keys!


  • /voteshop - This is where you spend Vote Points. The vote shop has various different items available for purchase.
  • /voteparty - check when the next Pinata Party is.
  • /vote - brings up the voting GUI where you can vote, check stats and more.

Vote Ranks:

  • 0 Votes - Newbie: 1 Sethome slot.
  • 5 Votes - Fledgling: 2 Sethomes slots.
  • 56 Votes - Traveller: 3 Sethome slots. Access to Hopper Carts.
  • 120 Votes - Settler: 4 Sethome slots.
  • 250 Votes - Faithful: 10 Sethome slots. Access to /creativeworld & can take the Expert test!
  • 3000 Votes - Dedicated: 20 Sethomes


coming soon

Donor Rank Commands

coming soon

Misc Commands

coming soon